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Expected Student Outcomes

At Flushing Christian School, our ultimate goal is to graduate students who are critical thinkers with a distinct Christian worldview.  We believe it is essential that our students understand that all truth and knowledge emanates from God.  We value the content and standards set by the New York State Education Department and think it is critical to generalize and apply knowledge appropriately and wisely.  

The expected student outcomes of Flushing Christian School are to produce graduates who:

  • Spiritual Components
    • Understand that a living relationship with Jesus Christ requires knowledge of and submission to God’s Word.
    • Understand the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Great Commission and how to apply God’s Word in daily life.
    • Be able to defend their faith through logic and sound biblical principles exercising the admonition in 1 Peter 3:15 “In your heart set apart Christ as Lord.  Always be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks you the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.”
  • Academic Components: Core Subjects
    • Value intellectual inquiry and acquire the art of critical thinking.
    • Are academically well prepared and skilled in reading, writing, listening and speaking.
    • Are proficient in STEM.
    • Possess knowledge of government, historical events, various people groups and cultures, and have a clear understanding of God’s overriding hand through the course of history.
  • Academic Components: Key Electives
    • Have a developing appreciation for fine art, music and literature.
    • Have a working knowledge of technology and are able to utilize resources for finding information and integrating knowledge for practical application.
    • Are acquainted with the basic skills of maintaining health through physical fitness and personal care, understanding that their bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit.
  • Social Components
    • Understand the value of family, social relationships and the necessity of being part of a church community.
    • Treat others with respect and dignity and act with honesty and integrity.
    • Respect and appreciate the environment and become responsible stewards of God’s creation.
    • Respect the ideas and beliefs of others without compromising their own ideas and beliefs.

High School Acceptance

FCS alumni were accepted into the following high schools over the past four years:

  • Stuyvesant High School
  • Townsend Harris High School
  • The Bronx High School of Science
  • Bard High School Early College ll
  • High School of Science Math and English at City College
  • Queens High School for Science at York College
  • LaGuardia High School of Music and Art and Performing Arts
  • High School for American Studies at Lehman College
  • DaVinci Math and Science at Cardozo High School
  • SMART Program at Bayside High School
  • Aviation Career and Technical Education High School

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