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FCS is chartered by the New York State Board of Regents and fully-accredited by the Middle States Association (MSA) and the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI).


  • A person (not a textbook) teaches the students and uses the tools of our curriculum to meet our student expectations.
  • FCS emphasizes academic excellence in all core subjects, including Bible, Math, Science, Social Studies and English Language Arts.
  • We take annual Iowa Standardized Tests, with students consistently scoring above the national average. Against the backdrop of this annual accountability, however, our teachers do not teach for tests; we teach for life.

Iowa 2024 Test Scores

  • We are committed to teaching material based squarely on the truth of Scripture with a thoroughly integrated biblical worldview. Every topic is presented and discussed through the lens of Creation-Fall-Redemption.
  • Our electives (Spanish, technology, art, physical education, and music) play a key role in our mission: fashioning the minds and imaginations of students.
  • Key Points:
    • Each Biblical class is taught in alignment with our doctrinal statement.
    • Clear summary of the metanarrative of Scripture, from Genesis to Revelation
    • Tracing the themes of Scripture through major figures in Biblical history and centering on Jesus Christ, each person's only one hope of salvation
    • Developing students' ability to read and understand the Scripture through inductive Bible study
    • An emphasis on apologetics, demonstrating the validity and truth of the Christian faith
      • growing students' confidence in the Bible as God's trustworthy, authoritative revelation
      • growing students' ability to defend their faith with courage and grace
    • Illustrating and encouraging practical applications, ensuring that true understanding results in a transformed life
  • Publishers and Textbooks:

Key Points:

  • As creatures who bear the image of God, humans are designed to communicate among each other. As believers who reflect the glory of God, we expect our students to model excellent communication skills.
  • Strong emphasis on competent reading and writing, using phonics and adult modeling
  • Written expression with precise ideas, powerful imagery, and compelling logic
  • Supplying quality Christian reading materials of all genres to cultivate a lifetime habit of reading
  • Research with discernment and critical thinking skills, considering a source's perspective in light of a biblical worldview

Publishers and Textbooks:

  • Abeka (K-2nd)
  • Houghton-Mifflin for Reading (3-4th)
  • Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop (4th-8th) and Grammar for Writing (5th-8th)
  • Outside reading novels provided by classroom libraries and local McGoldrick Library (4th-8th)

Key Points:

  • God is a God of "Good, Orderly Design." We can recognize God's wisdom on display in the concepts of math.
  • Teachers present material with hands-on, practical focus on real-world scenarios.
  • Students develop the ability to think logically and carefully through a problem, with an eye on the end goal.
  • They will graduate with a confident grasp of algebra concepts, prepared for advanced placement courses in high school.

Publishers and Textbooks:

  • Sadlier Oxford (K-8th)

Key Points:

  • All things we observe and explore find their source in God. He has directly created this world to display His glory and showcase His purposeful design.
  • God actively upholds the laws of science as He preserves His creation.
  • Humans are uniquely created in the image of God, tasked with exploring and utilizing the created world and its resources.
  • As stewards, humans are responsible to care for the created world and its creatures.
  • Students will explore with constant hands-on experiences.

Publishers and Textbooks:

  • Abeka (K)
  • Purposeful Design (1st - 5th)
  • McGraw-Hill - Physical Science (6th)
  • Bob Jones University Press (7th-8th): Life Science, Earth Science

Key Points:

  • God created humans to be interactive, to communicate and form societies and flourish in community. For this reason, we see the wisdom and importance of studying human societies, both past and present.
  • Every era of human history is under the active providence of God, checkered by human actions, and instructive for us today.
  • Every person is expected to function as a productive and respectful citizen of society.
  • We as Christians are dual citizens of heaven and earth, loyal to God's kingdom and also seeking the well-being of the people around us.

Publishers and Textbooks:

  • Abeka  (K)
  • McGraw-Hill (1st - 8th)

Student Services

  • International students receive consistent additional ESL classes to improve their English skills.  Students may utilize the library and computer lab in order to access a wide range of materials for English proficiency.
  • SETTS and speech services are provided to support students with IESPs. We provide differentiated instruction to accommodate the needs of each individual student.
  • Peer-to-peer tutoring gives students a weekly opportunity to support one another in a structured environment. Older students provide homework help to younger students under teacher supervision.

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Academic Excellence & Christian Discipleship Since 1950

“You guys are doing an awesome job incorporating the Bible into the curriculum. ...[My boys] enjoyed taking the Bible quizzes and memorizing Bible verses with their peers.  But more importantly they said they felt that they learned a lot about the Bible at FCS.”  - Parent, Summer 2022

N.U.Y. Card Day