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Spiritual Formation

Daily Bible Class

  • Classes cover core Bible content.
  • Jesus Christ stands at the center of the story.
  • Demonstrating the truth and authority of the Scripture

Chapel Services

  • Weekly corporate worship services led by student groups
  • Speaker rotation of teacher and local pastors
  • Focus on biblical exposition
  • Emphasizing life transformation as a normal part of the Christian life

Middle School Discipleship

  • Age-specific, gender-specific discssions
  • Covering practical challenges of middle school life (bullying, purity, social relationships, etc)
  • Supporting the biblical morals that parents value
  • Reinforcing but not replacing parent voices

Service Opportunities

  • Ministry field trips
  • Peer tutoring
  • Teacher assistants

Sports and Service

Interscholastic Athletics

  • Students in grades 5-8 compete with area private schools in volleyball and basketball.
  • Student athletes are expected to meet high criteria in both academics and conduct.
  • We prioritize sportmanship and teamwork as we develop Christian character through sports.

Honors Club

  • Students must meet high criteria in all facets of life to join the honors club.
  • Membership renews every quarter, with honors club activities and fundraisers throughout the year.
  • Students in the honors club for at least three quarters can expect to attend an annual field trip.

Applebee's Annual Fundraiser Breakfast

  • School families gather for a community breakfast and school spirit event!
  • Students serve as hosts and wait staff for their families.
  • A silent auction raises awareness for our tuition assistance fund.

Fun Experiences

Spirit Week and Field Day/Jogathon

  • Students celebrate different theme days, culminating with our school field day.
  • The field day includes a Jogathon to raise money for our school's tuition assistance fund.

School Field Trips

  • Every grade participates in a field trip at least twice a year.
  • Trips focus on hands-on experiences in nature and the arts.

Spruce Lake Junior/Senior Trip

  • 7th and 8th grade students enjoy a 3-day trip to Spruce Lake Retreat in the spring.
  • Outdoor venues, team-building activities, and strong devotionals combine to make this a powerful experience!

Seasonal Concerts

  • Families and friends enjoy a special concert at Christmas and Easter.
  • Students put talents on display through music and drama.

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Christmas break