Eagle's View Blog
Loving Accountability

Loving Accountability. I truly enjoyed the ACSI Day of prayer this past Tuesday. What a blessing to
join in prayer together as a school community in corporate worship and then fellowship in small groups
with our student body. This day never fails to be one of my favorites of the year. I was particularly
touched to bond with some of our sixth-grade girls as we prayed for one another bringing each other’s
burdens and sins before the LORD. Pastor James encourages us to humbly make ourselves
accountable to one another in confession and prayer. As the girls and I went through the humbling
practice of confessing our faults to one another, the mood changed from awkward discomfort to liberating
closeness. God certainly knows what He is talking about: confession brings healing and intercession
brings unity. May we love one another by holding each other up in prayer and humbly keeping each
other accountable before the Lord.